Issue Position: Economy

Issue Position

Arizona's Economy was in great shape, with a surplus. Now it is in jeopardy with the introduction of the Medicaid Expansion. This law will cost the Arizona tax payers more in our state tax and probably in our sales tax. We must protect our citizens, but there are better ways than allowing the Affordable Health Care Act into Arizona. We had 15 Republicans vote for this, and they have been rewarded by our Governor. I will do whatever possible to overturn this law.
In Pinal County, agriculture has been dealt a blow with the "taking" of water rights from the farmers slated to begin 1/1/2014. This has been put off until September. Currently there is a board that is working this issue Besides the generations of families that have been farmers in Pinal County , this type of law will take over 8 million dollars in revenue out of Pinal County's coffers. All this will be done without any remuneration to the farmers. That is unconstitutional! Help us stop this travesty of justice by attending the regular meeting and having your voice heard. I am standing up with the farmers!
I would like to work with other members of Congress to start the process of elimination our State Income Tax. It will be a long process but something that must be addressed.
